Poem #05

Such a proud and defining moment to gaze upon the unfamiliar horizon

Too easy is it to forget how such a thing can feel

Having spent my time being dogged down with abstract concerns

While the simplest of needs reverberated throughout my head

Ushering me back and forth

Such a routine as with any can be limiting when the unknown sits within your dreams

Calling you towards any act of novelty

How many adventures lost, sunsets missed, conversations never had

The seemingly infinite possibilities of that which I cannot know

Chosen over that of which I do

Yet for what

At the end of this road I feel empty handed

It’s difficult to accumulate the value I have benefited from this path

Have I grown in the ways I hoped, built what I had planned to build

Unsure to say the least

For the first time in a long time, my future feels undefined

The steps that lay before me go as far as my feet can carry

Perhaps now I have my answer

Mixed throughout my lack of one