Circumstances of Inaction

Life is a constant force of change, an unending ebb and flow that interacts with us all. While our perceptions of reality are unique to one another, there is an undeniable unity amongst all things sharing in this space. A force that pushes us into action. Yet our humanity tries to notion that we push ourselves into a path. Reality is more like a canoe flowing down a river, we never stop the action of living, only able to choose which path we flow down, or stop steering and let chance decide.

Inaction still remains as a form of action, leaving us unprepared for whatever comes next. Denial isn’t a solution to one's problem, merely a mirage seeded in fear and nervousness. Consider an ostrich, who see’s a cheetah careening towards him. Instinctually, digging his head in the sand is a quick and easy fix. However secure the Ostrich may feel in the moment, won’t matter when the cheetah arrives. A cause of inaction still produces an effect. Decisions made are connected to one another and by choosing to not reach out one’s hand, another's is left neglected. This action of inaction affects all things.

Throughout my life I have made the mistake of thinking that change can be created while simultaneously refusing to act upon it. Trying to make a positive situation from a neutral decision. I learned that waiting for things to happen will leave you old and empty handed; with nothing to show for except regret and bitterness towards the world, a mindset that is distilled from a life spent wasted. Yet this is no uncommon characteristic, many suffer at times from the paralyzing effect of unknown possibilities. One must realize that the only way to improve is by taking that chance, to not stop and ask what if; but instead wonder what could be.

My life, like any other, is riddled with mistakes and imperfections. Clear points in the past that were wrong decisions made, ultimately leading me to where I am now. Although my heart still beats and my lungs still breathe, there is an undeniable effect from times I chose not to act. Memories never made, hobbies or skills never formed, relationships left abandoned and bridges burned from silence. Aside from the fact that our past paves the road towards our present, the life we lived cannot define us. The most important choices are the ones we make now. 

One’s perceived reality is always rooted from inside the mind, a brain that intakes stimulations and details. Then laced with experiences previously lived through, the brain interprets that information and decides an output or course of action. Majority of the time this process is shrouded; misaligned by ego, emotions and sensual experiences. However, once that first piece of momentum is gained, everything seems to fall into line. A decision made is an output towards your reality, a manifestation of your thoughts put into the real world. Acting on decisions gives you direction and a chance to achieve. Don’t let fear and doubt weigh you down, or else you will never have the open door for opportunity. Not everyone who chased their prey caught it, but the one who caught it, chased it.